
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

I Don't Want to Be a Sellout...

But even as I type this, I sort of feel like one.

Amazing how 24000 pixels, one little Adsense ad can make someone feel like they've sold out. Even to imaginary readers. I'm sorry dear imaginary readers, if I have disappointed you in my endeavor. Perhaps I will take it down myself out of shame eventually. This I cannot know because the future is uncertain.

I will however continue to to do what I'm doing. Which is write things. Mostly in the wee hours of the morning. Sometimes in the afternoon, but always aiming to make these words mean something.

I suppose I should get to the meaning of what I envisioned this blog as in its earlier days. Before I got this account. When it was only a mind seed. (That sounds so incredibly cheesy that I'm going to leave it.). Reading too Deeply Into Everything was first intended to be a place where I could write little fake essays on books where I could let the magic of humanities and reading way too deeply between the lines grow and blossom. And I fully intend it to be that way. Once I decide on the proper first piece.

Dear Imaginary readers. I also realize that my tags never really make much sense, nor are they very helpful. I'm sorry for that as well. <3

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